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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Growth Starts at the Top

It's said time and again that if you aren't moving forward in business you are moving backwards. Most credit unions desire some level of growth and there is plenty of advice out there related to setting goals, action steps, positive feedback, and on and on. This is all very useful information. But I've seen it time and again, the most effective leaders lead by example. Your most senior loan manager should be a top producer, ditto your branch or mid-level managers. It simply sets the tone for what is expected and definitely reduces underlying resentment from their teams.

A know a Senior Vice President at a $1.5 billion bank, (a busy guy, as you can imagine) who leads in this way. Month after month he somehow finds the time to make nearly the most business calls, and is often the top producer of the entire loan function. His team admires him and doesn't mind working HARD as well - and the results show. Actually, he was my boss at one time and now I'm getting all teary-eyed and nostalgic (OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit).

Do your senior managers lead by example, or just hand-down edicts to their "subordinates"? (I don't like this word, but it fits in this case). They don't necessarily have to be a top producer, but by being "in the trenches" with their soldiers, they will earn respect and you will likely see an increase in production across the board.

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way". John Maxwell

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