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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Got a Minute? How About 52?

So, I'm making my adjustments to Northern Michigan living, and I can assure you that this is beautiful country. If you have never been "up north", it would definitely be worth a trip. When the trees change colors in the Fall, it's an amazing sight to behold. After mentioning the lack of variety of radio stations in these parts, my AVP said to me "what do you mean?, we have both kinds of music . . . Country AND Western". However, I like more of a variety.

That little story was just a convoluted way of trying to deny that I'm just a nerd that listens to NPR radio. On my long commute up, I ran across an interview with author and educator Parker Palmer on NPR. The 70 year-old wise-man spoke to how the economic downturn is changing, for the better, the way people interact with each other and how many business managers, CEOS, and others are realizing that conducting their lives and businesses in an ethical manner pays off in the long run. It definitely applys to the credit union movement philosophy. And it's "chock-full" of great insight on life.

The interview is found on their "Speaking of Faith" segment, but is more secular in nature. If you have an uninterrupted hour to yourself, it's definitely worth a listen. Here's the link


Mary Arnold said...

Tom, if you tire of NPR, I highly recommend SIRIUS Satellite Radio. We got a free trial with our minivan and I'm seriously (sorry, couldn't resist the pun) hooked!

Tom Dluzen said...

Sirius-ly hooked - that's pretty funny.

I've been thinking about getting satellite. All Elvis all the time!!

Just curious - how did you find the blog, Mary?


Mary Arnold said...

Tom, my colleague, Lisa Hochgraf, saw this article ( your site in CU Times.