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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Compliance Officer Issues Sigh

A deep, drawn-out, world-weary sigh emanated from an occupied bathroom stall at a local credit union on Monday, witnesses reported. The sigh, described by those who heard it as "somber," "resigned," and "a sad reminder of the crushing pain, anguish, and, ultimately, meaninglessness of life," escaped from the core of the man's being at approximately 12:32 p.m. and echoed quietly off the stall's dividers. After 30 seconds of complete silence—a brief respite from the workday which the compliance officer seated on the toilet bowl likely used to contemplate his place in the credit union world—he flushed the toilet, emerged from the stall, forced himself to smile, and returned to his job for yet another day of monotonous, unfulfilling compliance work.

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