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Monday, September 21, 2009

Told You So . . . Senator Dodd is Introducing a Bill Regulating Overdraft Fees.

If you haven't taken a look at your NSF and "Courtesy Pay" program in a while. This would be a good time to do so. . . you might be surprised at how much revenue you realize from these programs. And it all may change very soon. I don't mean to sound like a broken record (I've written several articles about this since July 1st, 2009), but you might want to come up with a plan to somehow replace potential lost revenue.

Here's what Sen. Dodd has to say “Excessive, automatic overdraft fees are forcing many American families deeper into debt at a time when they are already struggling to make ends meet,” . . . “I am working on a bill to protect consumers from these fees.” Representative Carolyn Maloney, chimed in “The evidence is overwhelming that bank overdraft fees are out of line, and that banks are milking their system for all it’s worth,” . . . “It’s time to crack down -- as Congress has already done with credit cards.”

According to Bloomberg, Dodd’s bill would require customers to “opt-in” to banks’ overdraft protection programs, prohibiting lenders from automatically enrolling their customers in the plans. It's not clear whether your current program will be "grandfathered" in.

Couple this with the letter that Democratic leaders sent to the Federal Reserve back in June 2009, and an abundance of horror stories from consumers (just do a search online, you will see what I mean), and I believe we will see some significant changes in NSF requirements soon.

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