Governor Howard Dean’s diverse background means he’s not just well-versed in the issuesof the economy and financial reform; It also means he offers a unique perspective on thecredit union industry, why credit unions are more valuable than ever, and what you, as acredit union leader, can do to prepare for the future.
Governor Howard Dean does more than voice hissupport of the credit union industry, he lives it.Dean and his wife, as well as both of their children,are proud members of the Vermont StateEmployees Credit Union.“I’m a big fan of credit unions. They are usually community-managed, and are pretty sensible. You don’t often hearabout them getting into the news, which means they aren’t doinganything bad most of the time,” says Dean. “So, it’s a verypositive institution for the country. We need more . . . .
By: Tom Dluzen